This week you will receive a brochure detailing the Beacon of Hope program at St. Lawrence O'Toole / St. Cyril for the next couple of weeks. This informative brochure is intended to communicate the financial needs of our parish and why we have dedicated the focus on our parish offertory. Commitment Sunday for this program is March 17 and March 18. We encourage all parishioners to spend time in prayer and discussion with your family reflecting on the parish's needs and your current level of giving. We look forward to seeing all our parishioners at Mass next weekend for this very important Commitment Sunday. If you have any questions regarding the Beacon of Hope, please feel free to contact the Parish Office. Thank You and God Bless!
Does your ministry need to place an announcement in the Sunday bulletin? Please email submissions or attach a MS Word document with your info and send to Submissions need to be received by Monday at 10:00AM for inclusion in the following Sunday bulletin date. Similarly, after Mass announcements need to be emailed by Thursday at 10:00AM. For more information, call Vanessa at the Church Rectory. Thank You!