Centenary Photo Session
Many THANKS to everyone who participated in having their pictures taken for our Centenary Celebration Album. We are getting close to our goal of 350 participating families!
Our last photo sitting dates are April 1, 2, 3, 2016. Please tell your friends and family. Anyone can have their picture taken and receive a free professional 8'' x 10'' photo and Centennial Album.
For more information, please contact Terry Gleeson at 510-695-6145.
St. Lawrence O’Toole - St. Cyril Parish - Celebrating our 100th Year Anniversary
As part of our Celebration, Lifetouch Photography is assisting us in producing a Centennial Pictorial Celebration Album.
Member Sign-up Site
The link below is for your organization to put on your website to launch the online scheduling system for portraits. Members will go to your web site and click on the link to schedule a portrait session. This link ends with the following string of characters page=10. Make sure all the characters of the link are used by your organization or the web page will not work correctly. Click on the link below:
If you have additional questions or need assistance that is not provided in this email or the attached detailed instructions, please feel free to contact our Center of Excellence Team. They will be happy to help you between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm EST.
Center of Excellence toll free number: 1-866-756-0281
You will receive a FREE 8” x 10” Photo plus a FREE St. Lawrence O’Toole - St. Cyril Parish Centennial Album (when available). Having your photo included in the Album is optional. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY!
Additional Information, upcoming events and the Link for Setting Your Photography Session is on the SLOT-SCJ Parish website - http://www.oaklandcatholic.net or Call Terry Gleeson 510-695-6145 COME TAKE ADVANTAGE - WE WANT YOUR SMILE!
Online scheduling system for portraits is here now. Simply click on the link to schedule a portrait session here: https://www.securedata-trans14.com/ap/stlawrenceotoolestcyrilparish/index.php?page=1