So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
Gal 3:26-29
We are celebrating parishioner baptisms for infants and children 6 years and younger. Baptisms are held as a group, inside the church in English or Spanish. If you are not a registered family of our parish then you need to bring a letter from your parish priest giving you permission to have your child's Baptism at Divine Mercy parish.
We schedule baptisms on the thrid and fourth Saturdays of the month in the mornings. The suggested offering for a baptism is $100. (Checks should be made payable toL Divine Mercy Parish.) Both parents and godparents are required to take a baptism preparation class. Godparents must complete the Godparent/Sponsor form for eligibility and have it signed and sealed by their parish priest.
The church only requires one Godparent or sponsor, but two (a male and a female) are tradition. Here are the requirements for being a godparent.
Baptism begins here: